Jo Dunnick Watercolors

Animal Originals

Animals - I cannot imagine life without them, nor do I want to. They enter my life to make me aware, to teach me lessons I have yet to learn, to shape my canvas. Sweet Girl, joyfully alive and in the moment, Hannah's Bear, exposed yet hidden, moving forward with determination, and Misty Float, attending to their young, relating, serene yet watchful. Animals: wisdomkeepers, teachers, companions, and bearers of comfort!

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Jo Dunnick

Thundering Through

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